Fiscal Decentralization and Quality of Education in Pakistan


  • Naima Narmeen
  • Sheneela Altaf
  • Salva Usman


Teacher-Student Ratio, Revenue Decentralization, Expenditure Decentralization, Inflation


Fiscal decentralization is a process in which many organizations and segments are capable to grind effort thoroughly. It is government by which spending tasks and revenue duties are handed over to sub-national governments. Fiscal Decentralization is capable to influence how much portion of crucial management is headfirst to native government. The main objective of the present study is to explore the effect of expenditure decentralization and revenue decentralization on the quality of education. The secondary source of data is used in order to analyze the quality of education. The study concludes that the revenue decentralization is the most useful for raising the quality of education. This sort of study inspires contribution of people at lower level and improve the efficiency of people. So, government should increase more outlay for purpose of refining the structure of education.




How to Cite

Naima Narmeen, Sheneela Altaf, & Salva Usman. (2021). Fiscal Decentralization and Quality of Education in Pakistan. Journal of Contemporary Macroeconomic Issues, 2(1), 58–66. Retrieved from